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Silver Holistic Therapies offers holistic, alternative therapies such as Usui Reiki Treatments and classes, Reiki I and II as one course and Master Level Classes.  E.R.O.E.M (Energy Release of Emotional Memories), Present and Past Life Regressions. 











Usui Reiki is ancient therapy that uses the seven chakras in our bodies and universal powerful, beautiful energy to release anxiety, dissolve stress and bring wholeness and peace to the body and mind.  Reiki can be administered to pets.  We also offer training on Reiki I, Reiki II, Advanced and Master levels.  















Energy Release of Emotional Memories (E.R.O.E.M)  


In this technique we identify the emotion and the conflict behind the symptom which influences all the physical and emotional aspects, not allowing the enjoyment of life.  We will achieve the energy release of the emotional memory using in the same session the combination of different complementary therapeutic techniques.  These techniques are  Aromatherapy, Music Therapy, Conscious Breathing, Aura Cleaning, Reiki, Reading of Akashic Records, Deciphering the emotions behind the symptoms, Past Life Regression and Interdimensional Visual Reprogramming all these techniques coupled with the participant's energy and wishes to get well.  In combination with the practice of the technique, follow-up and holistic case management services are provided with support and programming of objectives towards physical and emotional well-being


                             Using a gentle form of hypnotherapy an individual can go back on time to recover childhood memories of even further back through time to their previous lives or incarnations to access memories and experiences that are normally hidden in their subconscious mind. ... Reconnecting to back experiences and past life experiences can help us understand patterns of behaviors. heal relationships and illnesses. We have been trained and certified by Dr. Brian Weiss on Past Life Regression Therapy



 Access Bars, Treatments and Training


















We also offer distant healing services using Reiki and E.R.O.E.M.

 Access Bars is not a distance healing treatment modality.


This is an energy and complementary technique, it is not to replace a diagnosis or treatment of a health care professional. We do not recommend that the participant abandons medical treatment. We do not recommend that the participant stop taking prescribed medication. We will always recommend the participant to attend all medical appointments and follow medical advice. 



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